Sunday, September 27, 2009



The Green Bin/ Green Box recycling system is a great idea for recycling organic waste and diverting it from the landfills, but many home owners won’t use it. Why not?

Even though the kitchen scrap box is virtually air tight (so you can’t smell the waste most of the time) when you do open it to add new material you are overwhelmed by a strong odor of decomposing garbage! Then, a day or two later when the small box is full, you get a ‘double whammy’ (from the small box then the large bin!) when you open the small box to transfer the garbage to the larger green bin.

The majority of the population wants to ‘do the right thing’ and divert their garbage wherever possible. However, the smell is quite offensive and many people are resistant to exposing themselves to that kind of malodor on a regular basis, so the system can be by-passed as a matter of personal convenience. Organic waste might then be put into the regular garbage stream and the investment in the recycling system will be compromised, causing the fiscal payback for the system to be extended.

So, what can municipalities do to: 1) address this situation, 2) increase usage of the Green Bin system, and 3) get the Green Bin ROI (Return On Investment) back on track?

Offer EATOILS™ SUPERFRESH™ GREEN BIN SPRAY™ to home owners so they will use their green bins! Spread the word about this amazing product and all the ways it can be used.

SUPERFRESH™ GREEN BIN SPRAY™ is an ECOLOGO™ ‘CERTIFIED GREEN’ concentrated microbial cleaner/deodorizer that eliminates smells in seconds! A daily spray into the kitchen box and the larger green box will keep those smells under control and accelerate degradation of the organic material so the smells don’t come back. As an added bonus, the product can be diluted in water and used to wash out the boxes & bins between cycles – an amazing solution to a nasty problem!



•Eliminates odors on contact!

•One spray in your green bin system and the smells are under control

•Spray the bin today & the odor will be bearable when you re-open it tomorrow

•Industrial strength yet safe for kids, pets, & family

•Keeps on working long after you’re done!

•Amazing cleaner & deodorizer will even eliminate skunk smell!

•Amazing deodorizer for litter boxes and regular garbage odors too!

•Dilute at 2 oz./gal of water for the best bathroom cleaner ever!

•Excellent on tile & grout, mold & mildew, smoke & perspiration stains too!

•Safe for all surfaces – contains no solvents or harmful chemicals

Special pricing for our introductory tester size: - $8.00 each US (4 oz.) container will do bin spraying and cleaning for approx. 45 days.
1 Quart refills are available at $35.00. Save even more and buy a gallon - 1 US Gallon sells for $69.00.

All US prices are quoted FOB Porter, TX

Terms are net 15 days, on approved credit or VISA/MASTERCARD.



or call us at 281.883.8470



Monday, September 21, 2009

Got a busy restaurant or hotel kitchen? You can save lots of time and avoid costly charges by using our EATOILS™ SUPERSEP™ in your grease trap every night.

One of the worst problems in commercial kitchens is the amount of grease that builds up in the grease trap and can potentially overflow into the municipal waste water stream. What makes it so bad? The potential cost in 1) municipal fines & charges for drain maintenance, 2) lost customers because of waste water and grease backing up into washroom floor drains, 3) lost employees/high turnover because "it is a dirty job" to clean out the grease trap and employees would rather stay home than clean out this mess on a weekly basis, 4) offensive odors in your restaurant, and 5) the high cost of regular clean-outs by commercial vacuum services.

What is the alternative? Use our EATOILS™ SUPERSEP™ ECOLOGO™ CERTIFIED GREEN grease trap treatment - a few ounces per night is all it takes, and you can eliminate these problems (# 1, 2, 3, and 4 above) and reduce your clean-outs (#5 above) to once or twice per year (typically an 80% reduction in clean-outs can be expected by using our products on a daily basis). When you add it all up, the cost of using our EATOILS™ SUPERSEP™ costs much less than the potential cost of continuing with what you're doing now.

Our EATOILS™ products are all green - they contain no solvents, VOC's, Petroleum distillates or harsh chemicals, and they are safe for municipal and septic waste streams.

For more information contact your local EATOILS™ distributor, Clean and Green Solutions at 281.883.8470 and

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Clean and Green Solutions is proud to announce that Sparkling Maintenance Corporation of Houston, TX has chosen Clean and Green Solutions as it’s supplier of ECOLOGO CERTIFIED GREEN cleaning products. Sparkling Maintenance will be using our EATOILS™ SUPER CARPET FRESH™ for all their carpet and tile and grout cleaning, as well ODOR REMOVAL for the many facilities and properties that they are under contract to clean.

Sparkling Maintenance Corporation is a Houston, TX janitorial contract cleaning company and has many large buildings under contract to perform the day to day janitorial cleaning services.

Owner Carlos Garza, of Sparkling Maintenance says, “We are very pleased with the SUPER CARPET FRESH™, it has removed stains that we previously have never been able to clean, saves us money in labor as we do not have to rinse the carpets, and overall performs better than any product we have ever used. The EATOILS™ SUPER CARPET FRESH™ is the most cost effective cleaning solution that we have ever used. I highly recommend Clean and Green Solutions to anyone”

Thanks so much Carlos, we really do appreciate your business.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Cost Comparison:Our Products vs. Retail Store Products

Current situation: At your local grocery store the Cleaner Aisle is loaded with a variety of spray bottles containing specialty and general purpose cleaners. Your cleaning cupboard at home is probably also full of products that you have tried for these jobs. Some are good at one or two jobs and some just don't seem to work when you need them to. Many contain harmful or harsh chemical ingredients. If you have any 'green' cleaning products, you probably are not happy with the price/performance that they offer. Well, at Clean and Green Solutions we've got the answer for you!

What do we offer? Looking for a great cleaning product for your every day cleaning that is also safe for you and your family? Well, EATOILS™ ECOLOGO™ CERTIFIED GREEN SUPERFRESH™ (for hard surfaces) and SUPER CARPET-FRESH™ (for soft surfaces [fabric, carpet, clothing, upholstery, etc.]) are different! These products really work! And they contain no solvents, VOC's (volatile organic compounds), or harsh chemicals!

How do they work? Just put 2 ounces into a gallon of water (that's 1/2 ounce per quart or litre sprayer) and you'll have an excellent household cleaner that really works! - and it costs less than a dollar per spray bottle! These products will deep clean & deodorize all surfaces, remove mold & mildew, deep clean grout & tile, and they keep on working for up to 3 days!

Cost comparison: Most ready to use sprayer cleaners are sold for $3.00 - $5.00 per quart bottle (or smaller) in the store. EATOILS™ SUPERFRESH™ and SUPER CARPET-FRESH™ are sold in concentrated form by the quart, or1US gallon on our website ( or through our distributors. Even with shipping the cost of our products is much less than the 'off the shelf' products - 1 quart makes up to 64 quarts (less than $0.50 per spray bottle) - one gallon makes up to 256 quarts (less than $0.25 per spray bottle). At these prices this should become your everyday cleaner

Visit our web site at and call us at 281.883.8470 for more information and pricing.

Monday, September 7, 2009


If you live in the Humble, TX area we are proud to announce that NAPA Auto parts on Northpark Dr. is now stocking our EATOILS BT200 certified green degreaser and EATOILS SUPER CARPET FRESH certified cleaner and deodorizer. NAPA auto parts is located 1 mile east of US 59 off Northpark Dr.


Clean and Green Solutiuons would like to thank Gulf Winds International, Inc of Houston, TX. Gulf Winds has made the decsion to "GO GREEN" and is using our EAT OILS cleaning products to clean all their warehouse's in the Houston, TX area. They are currently using our BT200 for their warehouse floor cleaning, oil and grease stain removal and bio remediaton. Gulf Winds is also using our EAT OILS SUPER FRESH product for all deodorizing of trucks.

In addition Gulf Winds is using our MULTIZORB granular absorbents for all liquid spills including oil, gas, and other fluid spills. MULTIZORB absorbs 8 times it weight in fluid and is certified for landfill disposal.

Gulf Winds is the industry leader for logistic and inventory control and management. For more information on Gulf Winds go to

For more information on Clean and Green Solutions visit us at

Killing Odors with SUPER FRESH

Want to kill and get rid of an odor FAST and safely? Use our EATOILS SUPER FRESH product. At 2 ounces per gallon of water SUPER FRESH will kill any odor within minutes. SUPER FRESH kills the bacteria that is causing the odor within minutes and often times in seconds. SUPER FRESH is great for removing and cleaning stains and odors from pet accidents, gym bags and lockers, trash cans and dumpsters, clothing, carpeting and more. SUPER CARRPET FRESH will return you carpet, tile and grout, and wood floors to it's natural beauty and color and will do it faster and better than any prodcut out there. SUPER FRESH and SUPER CARPET FRESH is also a great spot remover for clothing, upholstery, carpeting, drapes, and more, removing any stain including oil and grease stains.

Visit us at or call 281.883.8470 for more information.