Saturday, May 29, 2010


With all of the hustle and bustle of the current BP Oil/Horizon spill in the Gulf of Mexico this month we have been actively working with our agents and distributors in the region to address the burgeoning disaster. As days go by, the extent of the damage caused by this disaster is growing to become the biggest commercial spill in history. Due to the size of the problem, virtually all technologies are being tested so that every opportunity to address the clean-up can be put to use.

Among the many products we are discussing with BP, the responders and regulatory authorities is the amazing absorbent - MULTIZORB SELECT - OIL ONLY ABSORBENT. This product floats on water and will absorb the oil right off the surface of the water - just spread it on the water and the oil will absorb into the product and you can scoop or vacuum the product off the water and dispose of it in a landfill or incinerate it. This product was used successfully in the Exxon Valdez spill and in every major spill since that time. Most recently, last month it was successfully used to capture floating oils in a major spill in Australia.

MULTIZORB is a byproduct of volcanic eruption so it is based on a renewable resource and its impact on the environment is minimal. It is a cost effective alternative solution to other popular spill response absorbent products.

For more information please contact us at Clean and Green Solutions at 281.883.8470 or visit our web site at

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Cleaning a Trex Deck with BT200

Trex is the leading brand of alternative decking, railing, fencing, and trim products designed to maximize your outdoor living experience.

Trex composite products are made of a unique combination of wood and plastic fibers. Trex gets its plastic and wood fibers from reclaimed or recycled resources. Including sawdust and used pallets from woodworking operations, and recycled plastic grocery bags from all over the country.

According to the Trex Website, the are a variety of ways and harmful chemicals that are to be used when cleaning a Trex Deck. Deck Brightners, Bleach, and even cleaners containing dangerous acids are recommended by Trex to clean mold and mildew, grease, oil, food stains, and many others.

Well, we have great news for you. The EATOILS BT200 Certified GREEN degreaser is the ONLY product that you need.

Recently Pro Power Wash, a sister company of Clean and Green Solutions, of Porter, TX was called to the home of Mrs. Kathy Sexton, of Kingwood, TX. Mrs. Sexton had tried 4 other cleaning companies try to clean her TREX Deck and all produced unsatisfactory results. Basically, they could not get it clean, even using bleach.

Pro Power Wash used the EATOILS BT200 Green Degreaser at a rate of 6 ounces of BT200 to 1 gallon of water. (Total Used was 12 ounces and 2 gallons of water). Using a garden type pump up sprayer, the BT200 solution was sprayed on the deck in small areas at a time. The solution was then agitated into the deck lightly with the use of a street broom, just until a white lather formed. The BT200 was allowed to sit for approximately 15-20 minutes and then rinsed with a power washer lightly using no more than 1000 PSI at about 1-2 feet from the surface.

Mrs. Sexton was extremely satisfied and could not believe the results. She has also purchased a quart of the BT200. Because of how easy the BT200 is to use, not to mention that is totally safe, she will now be able to keep her TREX Deck clean herself year round.
(The dark spot in the after picutre is water that leaked form a garden hose as the workers put it away)

For more information please vist us at or call us at 281.883.8470