Monday, November 1, 2010

EATOILS™ Super Carpet Fresh™ Cleans Up Old Chocolate Milk Stain

Two weeks ago I received a phone call from a very good friend and client of Clean and Green Solutions, Julia Beckman. Julia had just lifted up her son’s (EJ) booster chair in the back seat of her mini van and discovered a month old chocolate milk stain. She called me and wanted to know if the Super Carpet Fresh™ would remove the stain. Julia has been buying the Super Carpet Fresh for quite some time now to use in her home for carpeting and tile and grout stains, and also to clean up after those unfortunate and untimely pet accidents.

I assured Julia that the EATOILS™ Super Carpet Fresh™ would remove the stain and odor, even to the point that she would never know that it was there.

I saw Julia at church about a week later and asked her how the Super Carpet Fresh did on the stain in her van and she replied, “Yes, it took it right out, you can’t even tell it was there.” This past weekend I sent her a message on Facebook asking her if I could use her name and write a little note about it. Here is her answer, copied and pasted directly from her reply: you may use my name!!! It was at least a month old chocolate milk underneath a car seat. Wiped up the crunchy stuff with a damp towel and then super carpet fresh the came right up! Sprayed a little while longer (to make sure it saturated underneath the fabric) and by the next day not one trace of the stain and no smell! Take an elaborate what you want!

As you can see she was quite happy with the results. EATOILS™ Super Carpet Fresh™ is absolutely the best carpet, tile and grout, fabric, and upholstery cleaner and deodorizer on the market today. Plus it is ELCOGO™ Certified GREEN, which means it contains ZERO harmful chemicals or ingredients.

For more information on the EATOILS™ Super Carpet Fresh™ or any of our other GREEN cleaning products, please visit us at or call us at 281.883.8470