Sunday, December 27, 2009


Our WEB STOP product, which is an all natural product that contains no harmful chemicals is THE product to prevent spider webs from forming, indoors or outdoors. Simply spray this ready to use product on the spider web to loosen the attachment points of the web, then remove the web with a broom or swiffer sheet, and the Spider Web will not reform for up to one year.

WEB STOP is 100% natural, FDA/USDA approved. Plant/Pet Safe and is authorized for use in food processing plants, restaraunts, and plant nurseries. WEB STOP will not stain wood, painted surfaces, vinyl, fiberglass, concrete or any other surface and it eliminates spider webs, dust, pollen, and insect debris, thereby reducing fire hazards and respiratory problems.

WEB STOP may be applied indoor/outdoor and as often as needed and will also kill roaches, ants, flies, and other pests.

How does it work? WEBS TOP puts off an odor that spiders and other pests hate, yet is undectable to humans. This odor affects there respiratory system and either drives them away, or kills them.

Use WEB STOP in your closets, cabinets, garage, or anywhere you have spiders and spider webs. We have one customer that even uses it on his boat and his dock area and loves the fact that his grandkids are no longer scared to go on a boat ride or play on the dock because the spiders and spider webs have been eliminated. NO MORE SPIDER WEBS MEANS NO MORE SPIDERS.

WEB STOP comes in a convenient ready to use quart spray jug that sells for $25.00, a 1gallon jug for $65.00, and a case of four 1 gallon jugs for $208.00, plus applicable tax and shipping charges.

For more information or to order contact Clean and Green Solutions at 281.883.8470 or visit us at

Monday, December 14, 2009

EATOILS SUPERSEP Eliminates Sugar Snake in Soda Fountains

What is a sugar snake? A sugar snake is a phenomenon that can occur in a soda fountain drain in a busy restaurant or bar. When drinks are poured in a soda fountain there is always a small amount of overflow that goes down the drain. As the drain is constantly receiving a dripping flow of sugary soda drink residue, there is a constant food source for bacteria living in the drain - the sugar. Colonies of sugar eating bacteria gather to digest the sugar and eventually they form a solid cane or 'snake' appearance inside the drainline (something like a colony of coral would do in a coral reef, only they have nowhere to grow but within the confines of the drainline). This is called a sugar snake. It is not made of sugar, but it looks like sugar - so it was always thought to be a column of sugar, hence, the name - sugar snake. Over time, the sugar snake grows large enough to hinder the flow of waste to the sanitary drain and it can disrupt the function of the fountain drain system. When this happens the sugar snake needs to be removed - usually with a pair of needle nose pliers. Typical drain openers don't work on this type of problem.

At Clean and Green Solutions we have developed a range of products using beneficial microbes that outperform traditional products and methods at the jobs that they do. We have products for cleaning, deodorizing, degreasing, and a multitude of applications.

Our EATOILS™ SUPERSEP™ is a good example of this type of product. SUPERSEP™ is exceptionally good at breaking up the 'sugar snake' and keeping the drainline running clear. A daily dose of 4 ounces of SUPERSEP™ poured down the drain at night will clear up and prevent sugar snakes in soda fountains.

This product is also ideal for maintaining other drains and grease traps in these facilities as the drains typically clog with organic materials and the microbes in our products attack and digest these organic materials and keep the lines running free.

We work with municipalities and water utilities with their waste water treatment plants and to address blockages in sewer lines, caused by food facilities and restaurants. Our products don't harm pipes or waste water systems and they work together with the microbes used in the waste water treatment facilities. Enforcement and inspection staff at the utilities and municipalities suggest the restaurants and food processors use our EATOILS™ products to address and clear up any problems they may have with organic materials.

For more information contact Clean and Green Solutions at 281.883.8470 or visit us at

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Using our Products with Steam and Vapor Cleaning Systems

How To Use EATOILS Products With Steam And Vapor Cleaning Systems

There has been a lot of discussion recently about using steam to deep clean grout, tile, and other porous surfaces. Steam is a highly effective surface cleaner for removing visible grease, however, it doesn't draw out all of the material from deep pores as it's followers and supporters claim - and it can leave a residual grease trail, particularly in high traffic areas. Lingering odors can also be a problem.

EATOILS™ deep cleaning products actually do remove the organic materials from deep in the pores of all surfaces - and they do a particularly great job at removing deep particles from porous surfaces. They also remove the sources of odors!

By combining the power of microbial cleaning with 'steam cleaning' or 'vapor cleaning' the results are much more effective. The microbes and surfactants in EATOILS™ products actually loosen the microscopic food and inorganic particles so the steam or vapor can remove them faster. They also remove the sources of odors.

We have a number of contractor clients who are hired by large restaurant chains to 'steam clean' their kitchens and bathrooms when they require: 1) a complete overhaul, 2) a refurbishment for a new franchise owner, 3) a dramatic heavy duty clean, or 5) a kitchen or bathroom makeover. Admittedly, these are the worst conditions for cleaning (usually the build-up is from many years and it is hard to get at all of the areas to clean them). However, they are ideal for deep steam cleaning. After years of cleaning these difficult areas our contractor clients have discovered a better way to clean by combining the two cleaning systems. We have found that these contractors actually insist on using our EATOILS™ heavy duty cleaners together with the steam equipment so they can get the best cleaning result in the shortest time.

How they do it
Typically, they mix up our cleaner (depending on the job - SUPERFRESH™ for bathrooms, SUPER FLOOR DEGREASER™ for kitchens, or BT200™ for industrial greases ) with hot water (usually at 4 oz/gal) and apply it liberally to the surfaces to be cleaned (usually leave 1/4" of fluid on the floor) and allow it to sit for 30 - 45 minutes or so. Then, they brush the surfaces with a stiff brush to release the heavy greases and build-up. Then they follow up with the steam or vapor cleaning system. It actually takes much less time to clean this way and the results are dramatic! A bright clean room with no residue and no lingering odors!

For more information contact us at Clean and Green Solutions, 281.883.8470 or visit us at

Friday, November 20, 2009


Recent reports have shown that 'spray & squeegee type' cleaning or 'spray & wipe' cleaning practices like microfibre systems are better at controlling residue that could typically be left behind by 'mop' and 'sponge mop type' cleaning systems. The main reasons cited in these reports are related to the contaminant resdue levels that sponge mop and string mop systems inherently have due to the material in the mop and sponge systems. This material is singled out primarily due to the way that the cleaning system is used - both mop styles assume that the user is continually re-dipping the dirty mop/sponge back into the bucket and re-contamniating the mop/sponge with the dirty water and re-applying it to the surface to be cleaned. In addition, the typically harsh chemicals used in these methods actually attack the mopheads and spongeheads and break them down - If you want to understand just how bad these products are for the mopheads take a moment and smell your mophead at the end of the cleaning shift when traditional cleaning products are used - you'll smell the mold on the mophead! We have found that when traditional cleaning products are used in a typical janitorial application a mophead lasts only one week.

In most of our EATOILS™ literature we have pointed out how well our products work at cleaning the mophead/spongehead every time it is inserted into the bucket because our cleaning technology is much more efficient than traditional cleaners that rely on chemical action ONLY to clean. Traditional cleaning products use harsh chemicals and/or solvents to break down dirt and residue - this process deteriorates as the cleaning solution gets dirtier and eventually, the fluid in the bucket needs to be changed. Our EATOILS™ products actually don't deteriorate as the solution gets dirtier, so the cleaning action is not adversely affected as the bucket is used. In fact, we have proven time and again that the surface is effectively cleaned much more thoroughly with our EATOILS™ products than with any other method using the mop/sponge type cleaning method. In addition, we have proven that mopheads last 6-10 times longer when used with our products because our products don't attack the mopheads (they smell nice and clean at the end of the cleaning shift). Over and over again we have proven that EATOILS™ products outperform traditional cleaning products at the toughest jobs!

At the same time, our products work exceptionally well with microfibre, spray & squeegee, 'wetswiffer' type and spray & wipe approaches when compared to other cleaning products. Our EATOILS™ products are better cleaning products - they are the only ones with non-stop cleaning action, and they are the only ones that "keep on working long after you are done!"

EATOILS™ cleaning products work well in high risk environments too! When combined with sanitizing and anti-microbial cleaning products in a cleaning/disinfecting system they provide the "best of both worlds" - Deep cleaning and removal of organics combined with germ control for the most demanding environments.

These EATOILS™ cleaning products (SUPERFRESH™ CLEANER/DEODORIZER FOR HARD SURFACES, SUPER CARPET-FRESH™CLEANER/DEODORIZER FOR SOFT SURFACES, and BT200™ DEGREASER FOR OIL & GREASE STAINS) are very cost effective as well - 1/2 ounce in a quart spray bottle filled with water will yield an amazing cleaner that will work harder than most off the shelf cleaners at a fraction of the cost.

For more information call us at CLEAN AND GREEN SOLUTIONS, 281.883.8470 or visit our website at

Monday, November 9, 2009

Clean and Green Solutions-Clean your kitchen safer, better, and faster.

Kitchen grease - what a nasty job to clean it - especially on the kitchen exhaust hood in a busy restaurant! Many restaurants leave this dirty job to the professionals and call them in on a regular schedule to remove the heavy build-up of greases in the hoods, primarily for fire prevention. Most hood cleaning professionals use a dangerous caustic cleaning solution like sodium hydroxide to attack grease on the hood. These caustic solutions require the use of gloves, respirators, and other safety equipment and they can be dangerous to your employees' health, eyes, skin, clothing, etc. As a result, most hood cleaning is done late at night when the restaurant staff is off premises.

Now, with the introduction of safe, environmentally friendly microbial cleaning products like EATOILS™ SUPER DEGREASER™ you can do these nasty jobs with a much safer product and save on outside cleaning costs. This product is so safe you can use it without gloves for most cleaning/degreasing applications around the kitchen, however for hood cleaning we suggest you use SUPER DEGREASER™ in hot water with gloves, a stiff polybrush and a mop bucket due to the possibility of contacting a variety of harmful pathogens from the hood surface. Using a 10-20% solution (10 - 5 parts water to 1 part of SUPER DEGREASER™) you can easily remove most grease deposits on the hood & filters in the following way: 1) Apply the solution to the surface by spraying it on or by painting it on, 2) allow it to sit for 15 - 25 minutes or so, 3) brush the area with the polybrush to remove the deposits of grease, fats and oils from the hood surface, then, 4) rinse the surface to remove any residue. Scraping or pressure washing can also remove these deposits once SUPER DEGREASER™ has been applied. Older or "burnt on" deposits may require a longer dwell time.

As with any cleaning job, daily maintenance can make the job go much faster. A nightly regimen of cleaning the hood and filters with SUPER DEGREASER™ at the end of the cooking shift can keep a busy kitchen clean and safe from potentially dangerous hood fires.

Some clients find that a pre-shift (morning) spray of the product in a 10% solution on the upper surfaces of the hood and filters can make the nightly cleaning go much faster. The product is also great for degreasing all kitchen surfaces including; stove tops, equipment, grills, etc. - in fact, anywhere cooking greases can be found! Prodcut is available in quart, gallon, and 5 gallon pail sizes.

For more information contact us at 281.883.8470 or visit us at

Friday, October 23, 2009

SUPERFRESH for your Bathroom Cleaning

Bathroom cleaning can be one of the most dreaded household and janitorial jobs, especially if you find that you need to do it often. Restaurants, hotels, schools, hospitals, daycare centers, and other public facilities can have a real problem with this as historically, their bathrooms have been notorious for requiring frequent cleaning due to the high usage - and it seems, no matter how often you clean, it is never enough. Add to this our current worries about H1N1, MRSI, and other communicable diseases, and the bathroom has become an area for deep concern both at home and wherever you work, play or spend time.

Historically, bathroom cleaning products have included dangerous products including: harsh chemical cleaners, disinfecting cleaners, solvents, tile & grout products, abrasive cleansers, bleach for mold & mildew, acidic bowl products, and deodorizers. As a rule, these types of products require fequent, repeated use to maintain a healthy atmosphere in the bathroom, yet they are dangerous for the user.

Now, with the recent introduction of a whole new range of MULTIPURPOSE, SAFE, GREEN CLEANING PRODUCTS and more effective disinfectants there is a real opportunity to actually reduce the number of products used, reduce the frequency of cleaning, and increase the effective cleaning action in the process. The idea of teaming up GREEN CLEANING products with EFFECTIVE DISINFECTANTS can provide an opportunity for 'the Best of Both Worlds' - a Clean and Safe environment for you and your family to feel safe and secure wherever you are - at home or away.

Let's start with the GREEN CLEANING PRODUCT. For this application, we suggest our EATOILS™ SUPERFRESH™ - an ECOLOGO™ CERTIFIED GREEN CLEANING PRODUCT designed specifically for hard surface cleaning. SUPERFRESH™ is a microbial cleaning product that deep cleans - deep down into the pores of all hard surfaces, removing all types of contaminants without the use of solvents or harsh chemicals. Then, this new type of microbial cleaning product continues to clean and digest any residual materials from the surface, including sources of odor and mold & mildew. The result is a much cleaner surface with fewer food sources for harmful viruses and bacteria to dwell on. Due to the continuous cleaning characteristics of this product the frequency of cleaning can be dramatically reduced and the effect on grout and tile is clearly evident. Clients who use this product report that they clean less often, the product addresses all odor issues, the grout lines come up like new, and their clients notice the improved cleanliness in these areas. By using this product several of the historically used products (harsh chemicals, solvents, abrasive cleansers, grout & tile cleaner, deodorizer, bleach for mold & mildew, bowl cleaner) can be replaced with a single GREEN product - SUPERFRESH™. If there is a build-up of calcification or lime scale on fixtures, a 'green' scale remover using organic salts can remove it on an 'as needed' basis.

On the disinfecting front there are a number of products that clearly can address specific pathogens. You should choose a product that will address the viruses and pathogens that you are concerned about controlling - General sanitizers and disinfectants may not address the problem areas that concern you. As these disinfectant products typically work for a 1 to 5 minute timeframe, killing all organic lifeforms on their list of controlled pathogens, the timing of application should be scheduled to coincide with the best time for mitigating potential exposure.


For example, if you disinfect all surfaces at the beginning of the day and every hour throughout the day in high traffic bathrooms, daycares and hospitals; every other hour in restaurants, mall washrooms, and public venues; three times a day in workplaces, etc. you will probably have a pretty good disinfection system in place for most situations. Naturally, you would consider increased frequency in a situation where germs are spreading like if the H1N1 begins to spread.

Due to the microbial nature of the SUPERFRESH™ product, you should wash all surfaces with SUPERFRESH™ approximately 10 - 20 minutes after disinfecting to get the 'best of both worlds' - deep cleaning action and disinfection.

For more information please contact us at 281.883.8470 or vist us at

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

New Green Alternative for Parts Washing

Dangerous solvents and harsh chemicals have been used for years to remove residual cutting oils from manufactured parts in factories around the world.

With the introduction of green cleaning technologies and an increased awareness of environmental stewardship there has been an increasing pressure to come up with a 'green' alternative to these harsh chemicals.

At WorldWare Enterprises Ltd., we have been working on this for a number of years and we now have many clients who swear by our approach to removing oils from manufactured parts.

Our EATOILS™ SUPER DEGREASER™ is an excellent GREEN alternative parts washing solution - 1) it uses a combination of natural surfactants to quickly remove the oils from the parts, 2) then natural microbes actually digest the oils from the solution, and 3) it keeps on working for multiple cleaning cycles, 4) which results in a low cost method that rivals the cost of the original, more dangerous, cleaning alternatives. In addition, this product is ECOLOGO™ CERTIFIED GREEN.

Typically, parts washing machines and systems fall into four categories - 1) small manual machines with a hose that pours solution (usually solvent) over the parts - the operator usually brushes the parts to remove excess contaminants from the parts (usually in an automotive shop or maintenance facility), 2) large soaking baths or dip tanks where parts are left to sit in a solution (usually harsh chemicals) to remove the contaminants, 3) small or large spray cabinets where parts are subjected to high velocity hot water/chemical spray for a short period of time (2 - 5 minutes) then parts proceed to rinsing tanks for additional contaminant removal, and 4) ultrasonic parts washers where parts are put into a tank with harsh chemicals or solvents and the parts are bombarded by ultrasonic sound waves to remove the contaminants from the parts.
We have found that our EATOILS™ SUPER DEGREASER™ is an ideal alternative for methods 1 and 3 above. In addition, we have found that if you can add agitation to method 2 and 4 above, our product can work well there too!

How does it work? The natural surfactant in our product draws the oils away from the parts and into the solution just like dishwashing soap removes the oily foods from your dishes in your kitchen sink. Add a little agitation and the process is speeded up nicely. Warm water and aeration in the reservoir allow the microbes to be in an ideal environment for digesting the oils out of the solution. If the reservoir is maintained with aeration and warmth the process can go on indefinitely - AND THIS IS WHERE THE SAVINGS COME FROM. If the process can be maintained in this way, the cost per cleaning can drop below the cost of alternative cleaning methods.

As with any new method, there is a period of adjustment and fine tuning of the process until the cycles yield optimally clean parts every time. We have a number of large factories and small shops that have embraced this new approach to parts washing and the positive feedback is growing daily.

For more information contact Clean and Green Solutons at 281.883.8470 or visit us at

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Septic Problems? EATOILS™ SUPER SRV™ & SUPERSEP™ Will Help

How healthy is your septic system? Are you having clogging problems with your septic system? Does your system have an odor problem? Do you find yourself calling the 'Septic Clean-out Guy' more often than every 10 years? Are there mechanical problems in your septic system that need repair? How healthy is your drain field?

If any of these questions is leaving you feeling uncertain about your septic system you should consider calling us and implementing a program with one or both of our septic treatment products. Provided your system is in good operating condition and there are no mechanical problems present, you may only need to augment the system with our EATOILS™ septic products - SUPER SRV™ and SUPERSEP™.

Our SUPER CONCENTRATED products yield amazing results - with as little as 3/4 oz. of SUPER SRV™ per month you will see dramatic results - 1) septic smells will disappear, 2) the organic materials in the holding tank will break down faster, 3) sludge and surface build-up in the main tank will be reduced on an ongoing basis, 4) the drain field will open up and run clear without any difficulties, and 5) you won't need to call for a septic clean-out for years to come. Other suppliers of septic treatment products buy our concentrate and add filler to create their products which they sell for much more (2-3 times our price!) - all you really need is our active microbes and enzymes found in SUPER SRV™ A 1 lb. jar will last for up to 2.5 years, keeping your septic system flowing freely and operating at peak efficiency.

Occasionally, there may be a mechanical breakdown or obstruction in your system that can cause serious problems. You need to address these problems when they occur - 1) if a pipe cracks, leaking sewage into the ground, 2) if the lines are clogged due to incorrect materials being put into the system or 3) if the system is deteriorating due to age and leakage is about to occur. This is when you need to call in the professionals - septic system specialists, and let them repair your system and get your system back up and working properly.

If you need to have major work done on the system due to line breakage and waste spillage be sure to use our EATOILS™ SUPERSEP™ to treat the soil around the leak and to remove any residual organic waste from the ground (this product goes deep into the soil and actually digests the organic waste that it finds and it leaves no residual odor or waste material when it's done). We also suggest the use of this product in grease traps in restaurants, hospitals, and hotels to prevent waste oils and grease that gets trapped in the grease trap from backing up into the water piping system and disrupting the business/clientele. These clients can typically experience an 80% reduction in 'pump-outs' and their related costs by using this product on a daily basis. For more information about EATOILS™ SUPERSEP™ call 281.883.8470 or go to

Sunday, September 27, 2009



The Green Bin/ Green Box recycling system is a great idea for recycling organic waste and diverting it from the landfills, but many home owners won’t use it. Why not?

Even though the kitchen scrap box is virtually air tight (so you can’t smell the waste most of the time) when you do open it to add new material you are overwhelmed by a strong odor of decomposing garbage! Then, a day or two later when the small box is full, you get a ‘double whammy’ (from the small box then the large bin!) when you open the small box to transfer the garbage to the larger green bin.

The majority of the population wants to ‘do the right thing’ and divert their garbage wherever possible. However, the smell is quite offensive and many people are resistant to exposing themselves to that kind of malodor on a regular basis, so the system can be by-passed as a matter of personal convenience. Organic waste might then be put into the regular garbage stream and the investment in the recycling system will be compromised, causing the fiscal payback for the system to be extended.

So, what can municipalities do to: 1) address this situation, 2) increase usage of the Green Bin system, and 3) get the Green Bin ROI (Return On Investment) back on track?

Offer EATOILS™ SUPERFRESH™ GREEN BIN SPRAY™ to home owners so they will use their green bins! Spread the word about this amazing product and all the ways it can be used.

SUPERFRESH™ GREEN BIN SPRAY™ is an ECOLOGO™ ‘CERTIFIED GREEN’ concentrated microbial cleaner/deodorizer that eliminates smells in seconds! A daily spray into the kitchen box and the larger green box will keep those smells under control and accelerate degradation of the organic material so the smells don’t come back. As an added bonus, the product can be diluted in water and used to wash out the boxes & bins between cycles – an amazing solution to a nasty problem!



•Eliminates odors on contact!

•One spray in your green bin system and the smells are under control

•Spray the bin today & the odor will be bearable when you re-open it tomorrow

•Industrial strength yet safe for kids, pets, & family

•Keeps on working long after you’re done!

•Amazing cleaner & deodorizer will even eliminate skunk smell!

•Amazing deodorizer for litter boxes and regular garbage odors too!

•Dilute at 2 oz./gal of water for the best bathroom cleaner ever!

•Excellent on tile & grout, mold & mildew, smoke & perspiration stains too!

•Safe for all surfaces – contains no solvents or harmful chemicals

Special pricing for our introductory tester size: - $8.00 each US (4 oz.) container will do bin spraying and cleaning for approx. 45 days.
1 Quart refills are available at $35.00. Save even more and buy a gallon - 1 US Gallon sells for $69.00.

All US prices are quoted FOB Porter, TX

Terms are net 15 days, on approved credit or VISA/MASTERCARD.



or call us at 281.883.8470



Monday, September 21, 2009

Got a busy restaurant or hotel kitchen? You can save lots of time and avoid costly charges by using our EATOILS™ SUPERSEP™ in your grease trap every night.

One of the worst problems in commercial kitchens is the amount of grease that builds up in the grease trap and can potentially overflow into the municipal waste water stream. What makes it so bad? The potential cost in 1) municipal fines & charges for drain maintenance, 2) lost customers because of waste water and grease backing up into washroom floor drains, 3) lost employees/high turnover because "it is a dirty job" to clean out the grease trap and employees would rather stay home than clean out this mess on a weekly basis, 4) offensive odors in your restaurant, and 5) the high cost of regular clean-outs by commercial vacuum services.

What is the alternative? Use our EATOILS™ SUPERSEP™ ECOLOGO™ CERTIFIED GREEN grease trap treatment - a few ounces per night is all it takes, and you can eliminate these problems (# 1, 2, 3, and 4 above) and reduce your clean-outs (#5 above) to once or twice per year (typically an 80% reduction in clean-outs can be expected by using our products on a daily basis). When you add it all up, the cost of using our EATOILS™ SUPERSEP™ costs much less than the potential cost of continuing with what you're doing now.

Our EATOILS™ products are all green - they contain no solvents, VOC's, Petroleum distillates or harsh chemicals, and they are safe for municipal and septic waste streams.

For more information contact your local EATOILS™ distributor, Clean and Green Solutions at 281.883.8470 and

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Clean and Green Solutions is proud to announce that Sparkling Maintenance Corporation of Houston, TX has chosen Clean and Green Solutions as it’s supplier of ECOLOGO CERTIFIED GREEN cleaning products. Sparkling Maintenance will be using our EATOILS™ SUPER CARPET FRESH™ for all their carpet and tile and grout cleaning, as well ODOR REMOVAL for the many facilities and properties that they are under contract to clean.

Sparkling Maintenance Corporation is a Houston, TX janitorial contract cleaning company and has many large buildings under contract to perform the day to day janitorial cleaning services.

Owner Carlos Garza, of Sparkling Maintenance says, “We are very pleased with the SUPER CARPET FRESH™, it has removed stains that we previously have never been able to clean, saves us money in labor as we do not have to rinse the carpets, and overall performs better than any product we have ever used. The EATOILS™ SUPER CARPET FRESH™ is the most cost effective cleaning solution that we have ever used. I highly recommend Clean and Green Solutions to anyone”

Thanks so much Carlos, we really do appreciate your business.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Cost Comparison:Our Products vs. Retail Store Products

Current situation: At your local grocery store the Cleaner Aisle is loaded with a variety of spray bottles containing specialty and general purpose cleaners. Your cleaning cupboard at home is probably also full of products that you have tried for these jobs. Some are good at one or two jobs and some just don't seem to work when you need them to. Many contain harmful or harsh chemical ingredients. If you have any 'green' cleaning products, you probably are not happy with the price/performance that they offer. Well, at Clean and Green Solutions we've got the answer for you!

What do we offer? Looking for a great cleaning product for your every day cleaning that is also safe for you and your family? Well, EATOILS™ ECOLOGO™ CERTIFIED GREEN SUPERFRESH™ (for hard surfaces) and SUPER CARPET-FRESH™ (for soft surfaces [fabric, carpet, clothing, upholstery, etc.]) are different! These products really work! And they contain no solvents, VOC's (volatile organic compounds), or harsh chemicals!

How do they work? Just put 2 ounces into a gallon of water (that's 1/2 ounce per quart or litre sprayer) and you'll have an excellent household cleaner that really works! - and it costs less than a dollar per spray bottle! These products will deep clean & deodorize all surfaces, remove mold & mildew, deep clean grout & tile, and they keep on working for up to 3 days!

Cost comparison: Most ready to use sprayer cleaners are sold for $3.00 - $5.00 per quart bottle (or smaller) in the store. EATOILS™ SUPERFRESH™ and SUPER CARPET-FRESH™ are sold in concentrated form by the quart, or1US gallon on our website ( or through our distributors. Even with shipping the cost of our products is much less than the 'off the shelf' products - 1 quart makes up to 64 quarts (less than $0.50 per spray bottle) - one gallon makes up to 256 quarts (less than $0.25 per spray bottle). At these prices this should become your everyday cleaner

Visit our web site at and call us at 281.883.8470 for more information and pricing.

Monday, September 7, 2009


If you live in the Humble, TX area we are proud to announce that NAPA Auto parts on Northpark Dr. is now stocking our EATOILS BT200 certified green degreaser and EATOILS SUPER CARPET FRESH certified cleaner and deodorizer. NAPA auto parts is located 1 mile east of US 59 off Northpark Dr.


Clean and Green Solutiuons would like to thank Gulf Winds International, Inc of Houston, TX. Gulf Winds has made the decsion to "GO GREEN" and is using our EAT OILS cleaning products to clean all their warehouse's in the Houston, TX area. They are currently using our BT200 for their warehouse floor cleaning, oil and grease stain removal and bio remediaton. Gulf Winds is also using our EAT OILS SUPER FRESH product for all deodorizing of trucks.

In addition Gulf Winds is using our MULTIZORB granular absorbents for all liquid spills including oil, gas, and other fluid spills. MULTIZORB absorbs 8 times it weight in fluid and is certified for landfill disposal.

Gulf Winds is the industry leader for logistic and inventory control and management. For more information on Gulf Winds go to

For more information on Clean and Green Solutions visit us at

Killing Odors with SUPER FRESH

Want to kill and get rid of an odor FAST and safely? Use our EATOILS SUPER FRESH product. At 2 ounces per gallon of water SUPER FRESH will kill any odor within minutes. SUPER FRESH kills the bacteria that is causing the odor within minutes and often times in seconds. SUPER FRESH is great for removing and cleaning stains and odors from pet accidents, gym bags and lockers, trash cans and dumpsters, clothing, carpeting and more. SUPER CARRPET FRESH will return you carpet, tile and grout, and wood floors to it's natural beauty and color and will do it faster and better than any prodcut out there. SUPER FRESH and SUPER CARPET FRESH is also a great spot remover for clothing, upholstery, carpeting, drapes, and more, removing any stain including oil and grease stains.

Visit us at or call 281.883.8470 for more information.

Saturday, August 8, 2009


Clean and Green Solutions would like to thank Gulf Winds International, Inc of Houston, TX. In June of this year Gulf Winds made the decision to "GO GREEN", making a comittment to use our EATOILS Ecologo Certified Green Cleaning Solutions for all there warehouses in the Houston, TX area. Gulf Winds International is a worldwide leader in the Logistics industry. Gulf Winds currently has 7 warehouses in the Houston, TX area and provide inventory control and management for many large companies like The Home Depot, Sarah Lee Products, and many, many, others.

Gulf Winds is using our BT200 floor cleaner, Super Carpet Fresh Deodorizer and Cleaner, and our Multi Zorb spill absorbent products.