Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Clean and Green Solutions EATOILS Products Move Up In Priority For Gulf Oil Spill Response

This week we heard back from Horizon - the company that owns the rig that was sitting on top of the well that is now leaking into the Gulf Of Mexico - they have advised us that we have moved up on the list of priority of products being assessed for response to the gulf oil spill.

Well, it's only been 5 weeks since we filled out the internet form that provided them with the information about our technology and no one has picked up a phone to call. We have 4 people on the ground in the gulf states but no one is getting close to speaking with anyone about how our products can save some serious money.

We have shown the products to emergency response contractors and to some political folks, and the Coast Guard has run a small test, but we can't seem to get anywhere near the BP Oil people to discuss this huge problem.

We have an absorbent - MULTIZORB™ SELECT™ OIL ONLY that will pick up the oil off the surface of the water before it gets to the shoreline. It also works in the marshes and on the shore to mitigate the effects of the spill. It can be easily distributed onto the water or sand or into the marshes and it can be easily retrieved for disposal. This product has been successfully used in virtually every major oil spill since the Exxon Valdez and it was used last month in Australia to mitigate their oil spill. It is made from a renewable resource - so supply is virtually unlimited, and it is environmentally safe and friendly to all forms of wildlife. It is used to neutralize nuclear waste and it is landfill friendly. Most importantly, it is less expensive than alternative methods for capturing and disposing of oil products.

After you have used the absorbent, we have a complete range of oil eating microbes in our EATOILS™ line of products that can safely digest the residual oil and treat the water to remove any residue naturally. This is an ideal approach to treating the marshes and coastal areas and for any pockets of contamination that may develop. We also have products that combine the oil eating microbes with safe surfactants to clean up the areas, birds and other wildlife in a timely manner. These products are also used successfully to remediate oil spills on land and they have been used successfully in bioremediation projects for many years.

We are not alone in this. Every time a spill occurs the oil companies use the same old technologies to deal with the spills -
1) wait for calm seas, usually up to 3 weeks,
2) apply a dispersant as quickly as possible to minimize the PR impact of the spill, usually 2-3 weeks,
3) play the blame game so they don't have to pay for the clean-up, starts at week one and continues until bancruptcy is declared (see point #9),
4) close off all communications with any outsiders so that no new technologies can be tried, keep head in sand for at least 4 weeks,
5) wait for political pressure before trying alternative methods, usually kicks in at 4 weeks,
6) keep the people with new technologies at bay by setting up a complicated assessment process that will tie them up in red tape until it is too late to address the current problem, this is a new wrinkle with this spill - it started on day 3 - and we are now at day 45 and we just heard that our technology is moving up one level (to level 3 of 5),
7) keep applying dispersants until the Coast Guard or the Government tells them to stop (by then the dispersants will have killed or poisoned much of the natural aquatic life in the area), it took 35 days this time, yet they are still applying dispersants today as far as I know,
8) pay people to stand around and look at the disaster and don't provide them with the tools and products they need to address the problem, still happening today as they wait for the oil to come ashore,
9) file for bancruptcy before the real charges for cleaning up the mess are assessed,
10) let the government step in and make an even bigger mess of this problem.

The time has come for the oil industry to come together and jointly assess all of the new spill response technologies so that the right products can be used quickly to control environmental damage and to reduce the costs of these horrific disasters caused by oil. We have the technologies to deal with this now and we can be good stewards of our planet if we will only act responsibly.

For more information about our products please visit our website at http://www.cleanandgreensolutions.com or call us toll free at 281.883.8470.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Cleaning Ovens is Easier and Safer with BT200

This oven was cleaned for a customer using EATOILS BT200 Certified Green Degreaser. After many attempts to clean this oven using store bought products like "Easy Off" and others that contain dangerous toxins and chemicals, take a long time to clean as the product has to dwell, and then leave that terrible residual smell when you use the oven again, the EATOILS BT200 cleaned this oven in 15 minutes. It even performed better than using the self cleaning option as the oven did not have to heat up to almost 700 degrees to bake the caked on burnt food, wasting valuable electricity, not to mention the 6-8 hours it takes to perform the self cleaning cycle and the heat it generates in the house.

Here is how we did it. We mixed the EATOILS BT200 at 6 ounces to a gallon of water and then thoroughly sprayed the inside of the oven and the oven racks. We then let it sit for 15 minutes and wiped the inside of the oven with PAPER TOWELS. There were two spots that the oven had some really baked on grease, to the point that it was crusty, and we simply sprayed a soft scour pad sponge with the BT200, lightly scrubbed the spots, and the stains came up easily.

The BT200 also cleaned all the splatters off the oven window and door. The oven looked brand new when we were done.

The EATOILS BT200 is the only cleaner you need for tough cleaning jobs like ovens, barb-b-cue pits and grills, pot's and pans, and other items that can get baked on grease and grime on them.

The best part is the price. A quart of BT200 diluted at 6 ounces to a gallon of water cost's the consumer less than .80 cents. Compare that to store bought cleaners that run $3.00-$4.00. Plus the BT200 is totally safe to use, contains zero harmful ingredients, and takes a lot less time.

For more information please visit us at http://www.cleanandgreensoltuions.com/ or call us at 281.883.8470