Monday, December 20, 2010
Roof Washing Will Add Years to the Life of Your Roof
Clean and Green Solutions, of Kingwood, TX has been cleaning shingle, tile, and cedar shake roofs for years. We have the proper equipment, expertise, and cleaning solutions to clean your roof properly and safely.
Our method of cleaning roofs is one that requires no high pressure, eliminating the risk of damaging your shingles. In fact, the method we use is approved by the Asphalt Roof Manufacturing Association.
Homeowners in Kingwood, TX and the Houston, TX area are currently replacing their roof's on average every 10-15 years. These roofs are built and manufactured to last 25-30 years and will, with proper maintenance and cleaning.
Clean and Green Solutions NO PRESSURE roof cleaning, (actually a soft wash) is safe for your roof and landscaping and will return your roof to it's origional color and beauty in minutes, not weeks or months. Our cleaning method and cleaning solutions remove all algae, mold and mildew, lichen, and other stains that are currently causing damage and dicoloration to your roof.
For a FREE ESTIMATE and consultation, please call us today at 281.883.8470 and visit us at
Friday, December 10, 2010
Super Fresh™ Removes ODORS Caused by Top Load Washing Machines
If you own a high efficiency front load washing machine then you have probably been very pleased with the fact that these washing machines clean your clothing better with less water, come out of the washing machine dryer due to a high speed final spin cycle, which allows for less drying time, as well as many other energy saving features.
One thing you may not be happy about is the fact that these washing machines can and will cause your laundry area as well as your clothes to have a mold or mildew type smell.
This odor is caused by the gasket that is located immediately inside the front door. As you will see in the pictures, the inner lining of the gasket is manufactured in such a way that water can collect at the bottom of the gasket causing the water to sit between loads. Couple that with the fact that the area inside the gasket get’s no light, is damp, and cool, and you have a perfect breeding ground for mold spores to form and grow.
Manufactures of these washers suggest that you always leave the door slightly ajar to allow air in. The manufactures also sell small tablets that you are to use every two to three weeks to help clean the inside of the gasket. While doing these two things may help, they do not totally remove the mold or the odor.
Here is how to get rid of the odor: The inside of the gasket must be thoroughly cleaned using our EATOILS™ Super Fresh™ Certified Green Cleaning Solution. Mix at 4 ounces to a gallon of water and clean the inside of the gasket using a small soft bristled brush and a rag. First spray liberally inside the gasket with the diluted Super Fresh™ solution, then lightly scrub with the soft bristled brush, let sit about 10-15 minutes and then wipe with a damp rag. You will be amazed at the amount of Mold and Mildew that you will remove. After thoroughly cleaning, spray some more of the Super Fresh™ inside the whole circumference of the gasket and let air dry. At this point the Mold and Mildew will be killed and removed from the gasket along with the odor.
If you are unable to perform this cleaning task, please feel free to call us at Clean and Green Solutions, 281.883.8470, and we will be glad to send out a service tech to perform this for you at a nominal service charge.
Once you are done cleaning the gasket, you can spray any clothing or towels that may have absorbed the odor. Using your spray bottle, mist the clothing or towel items just until lightly damp and this will remove any residual odor. Remember the Super Carpet Fresh is Certified Green and will not harm you or your clothing. After treating the clothing or towels you may choose to launder again but this is not necessary.
To keep the Mold, Mildew, and Odor from returning spray some of the EATOILS™ Super Fresh™ diluted at 2 ounces per gallon of water inside the gasket every 1-2 weeks and continue to keep the door slightly open when the machine is not in use, per manufacture instructions.
Here is what one client wrote to us just yesterday, "Thanks Doug Rucker and "Clean and Green Solutions" for making my washer not so stinky! Your odor removal product ROCKS!!!! (and it's green...yea for me!)"
Mrs. C. Wheeler, Splendora, Tx.
EATOILS™ Super Fresh™ is an excellent cleaning product for kitchen, bathroom, tile and grout, carpeting, upholstery, clothing and fabric cleaning challenges. Super Fresh™ will also remove any odor on contact including SKUNK odor.
For more information on the EATOILS™ Super Fresh™ Certified Green Cleaning product, it’s many uses, as well as all our other Certified Green Cleaning products, please feel free to call us at 281.883.8470 and visit us at
Monday, November 1, 2010
EATOILS™ Super Carpet Fresh™ Cleans Up Old Chocolate Milk Stain
I assured Julia that the EATOILS™ Super Carpet Fresh™ would remove the stain and odor, even to the point that she would never know that it was there.
I saw Julia at church about a week later and asked her how the Super Carpet Fresh did on the stain in her van and she replied, “Yes, it took it right out, you can’t even tell it was there.” This past weekend I sent her a message on Facebook asking her if I could use her name and write a little note about it. Here is her answer, copied and pasted directly from her reply: you may use my name!!! It was at least a month old chocolate milk underneath a car seat. Wiped up the crunchy stuff with a damp towel and then super carpet fresh the came right up! Sprayed a little while longer (to make sure it saturated underneath the fabric) and by the next day not one trace of the stain and no smell! Take an elaborate what you want!
As you can see she was quite happy with the results. EATOILS™ Super Carpet Fresh™ is absolutely the best carpet, tile and grout, fabric, and upholstery cleaner and deodorizer on the market today. Plus it is ELCOGO™ Certified GREEN, which means it contains ZERO harmful chemicals or ingredients.
For more information on the EATOILS™ Super Carpet Fresh™ or any of our other GREEN cleaning products, please visit us at or call us at 281.883.8470
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Cleaning Grout Lines with EATOILS GREEN Cleaning Products
- note the original 'Champagne' grout
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Order your SUPERFRESH from Clean and Green Solutions Today
EATOILS™ SUPERFRESH™ Removes Even The Worst Black Mold Found In Florida
BEFORE Brown Mold On Awning - Mobile, AL AFTER
Enclosed areas where moisture can build up can be a breeding ground for mold and mildew. Particularly in locations where wood and wallboard are exposed, like: 1) under rafters, 2) in damp basement areas, 3) in bathrooms, 4) below open buildings and 5) in attics.
Mold & Mildew can be harmful to you and your family as the spores can cause allergic reactions and illness. There are two problems that you need to deal with when you are trying to address mold and mildew: 1) removing the infestation effectively (mold and spores), and 2) preventing it from recurring.
REMOVAL: - In the past, most mold removal companies literally had to remove the offensive building materials, address the source of the moisture and rebuild the structure - a very expensive proposition. If the infestation was small it could be treated with bleach or disinfectant products, however, the problems with bleach & disinfectants can be just as dangerous as the infestation - affecting breathing and damaging the building materials - plus the effects of these products are only momentary and there is no lasting effect. Recent developments in microbial cleaning products have yielded effective long term results with the added bonus of prevention of recurrence (when the source of the moisture is repaired). These products remove the infestation and, virtually stand guard, defending the area from re infestation from the spores.
PREVENTION: - Once you remove the source of the moisture you have effectively prevented the mold from recurring however, particularly in areas where there is no resolution to the moisture issue (enclosed bathrooms) the mold will return the next time it is moist. Microbial cleaning products are particularly effective in these instances as they can protect the area from some of the recurrence and regular, weekly cleaning with the product can actually prevent it completely.
Many mold abatement contractors have discovered the advantages of using microbial cleaning products to treat these mold problems effectively. Over the past few years WorldWare Enterprises Ltd. of Cambridge, Ontario, Canada has developed a number of green microbial products that work well on mold and mildew. Depending on the actual mold encountered, we have products that will effectively remove and prevent the recurrence of these infestations for years to come.
The success stories for treating northern grey/black mold and southern brown mold have been impressive as infestations have been stopped and reversed with as little as one application. We have written here before about the results for removing brown mold from awnings in Mobile, AL (see picture above, showing before and after) - update: it was over 1-1/2 years ago that the vinyl awning was treated and, as of last week, there is still no recurrence on the awnings (in the same time period neighbors with the same type of awnings have had their awnings treated with harsh chemicals at least 5 times and the mold keeps coming back!).
For some time now the most difficult mold type to resolve has been the black mold that is common in many parts of Florida. It is a very resistant mold that is very hard to remove with any success. Recent trials and actual case studies have proven that EATOILS™ SUPERFRESH™ is very effective at removing and preventing the recurrence of this black mold in Florida. For example, our client, William Booth of Tallahassee, FL was having a problem with mold on his exposed wood on the underside of his home. The smell and spores were affecting his family and he had to do something fast! He called our technical service personnel and was advised that we had experienced some success with our EATOILS™ SUPERFRESH™ for this type of application (this product is very good at treating the mold and mildew typically found in damp bathrooms). He purchased a pail of our EATOILS™ SUPERFRESH™ and he set to work on his home - he mixed it as described in the instructions and then he applied it to the exposed wood - and within minutes he noticed a big reduction in the mold. After a second application it was all gone and there has been no recurrence since he treated the wood in April. We spoke last week and he confirmed that he is very happy with the results - another fine job by EATOILS™ SUPERFRESH™.
For more information or to place an order visit us at or call 281.883.8470
Saturday, July 24, 2010
EATOILS Bio-Blast loosens cob webs for easy removal
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
EATOILS BT200 Cleans up Austin Stone Siding Home
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Clean and Green Solutions EATOILS Products Move Up In Priority For Gulf Oil Spill Response
Well, it's only been 5 weeks since we filled out the internet form that provided them with the information about our technology and no one has picked up a phone to call. We have 4 people on the ground in the gulf states but no one is getting close to speaking with anyone about how our products can save some serious money.
We have shown the products to emergency response contractors and to some political folks, and the Coast Guard has run a small test, but we can't seem to get anywhere near the BP Oil people to discuss this huge problem.
We have an absorbent - MULTIZORB™ SELECT™ OIL ONLY that will pick up the oil off the surface of the water before it gets to the shoreline. It also works in the marshes and on the shore to mitigate the effects of the spill. It can be easily distributed onto the water or sand or into the marshes and it can be easily retrieved for disposal. This product has been successfully used in virtually every major oil spill since the Exxon Valdez and it was used last month in Australia to mitigate their oil spill. It is made from a renewable resource - so supply is virtually unlimited, and it is environmentally safe and friendly to all forms of wildlife. It is used to neutralize nuclear waste and it is landfill friendly. Most importantly, it is less expensive than alternative methods for capturing and disposing of oil products.
After you have used the absorbent, we have a complete range of oil eating microbes in our EATOILS™ line of products that can safely digest the residual oil and treat the water to remove any residue naturally. This is an ideal approach to treating the marshes and coastal areas and for any pockets of contamination that may develop. We also have products that combine the oil eating microbes with safe surfactants to clean up the areas, birds and other wildlife in a timely manner. These products are also used successfully to remediate oil spills on land and they have been used successfully in bioremediation projects for many years.
We are not alone in this. Every time a spill occurs the oil companies use the same old technologies to deal with the spills -
1) wait for calm seas, usually up to 3 weeks,
2) apply a dispersant as quickly as possible to minimize the PR impact of the spill, usually 2-3 weeks,
3) play the blame game so they don't have to pay for the clean-up, starts at week one and continues until bancruptcy is declared (see point #9),
4) close off all communications with any outsiders so that no new technologies can be tried, keep head in sand for at least 4 weeks,
5) wait for political pressure before trying alternative methods, usually kicks in at 4 weeks,
6) keep the people with new technologies at bay by setting up a complicated assessment process that will tie them up in red tape until it is too late to address the current problem, this is a new wrinkle with this spill - it started on day 3 - and we are now at day 45 and we just heard that our technology is moving up one level (to level 3 of 5),
7) keep applying dispersants until the Coast Guard or the Government tells them to stop (by then the dispersants will have killed or poisoned much of the natural aquatic life in the area), it took 35 days this time, yet they are still applying dispersants today as far as I know,
8) pay people to stand around and look at the disaster and don't provide them with the tools and products they need to address the problem, still happening today as they wait for the oil to come ashore,
9) file for bancruptcy before the real charges for cleaning up the mess are assessed,
10) let the government step in and make an even bigger mess of this problem.
The time has come for the oil industry to come together and jointly assess all of the new spill response technologies so that the right products can be used quickly to control environmental damage and to reduce the costs of these horrific disasters caused by oil. We have the technologies to deal with this now and we can be good stewards of our planet if we will only act responsibly.
For more information about our products please visit our website at or call us toll free at 281.883.8470.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Cleaning Ovens is Easier and Safer with BT200
This oven was cleaned for a customer using EATOILS BT200 Certified Green Degreaser. After many attempts to clean this oven using store bought products like "Easy Off" and others that contain dangerous toxins and chemicals, take a long time to clean as the product has to dwell, and then leave that terrible residual smell when you use the oven again, the EATOILS BT200 cleaned this oven in 15 minutes. It even performed better than using the self cleaning option as the oven did not have to heat up to almost 700 degrees to bake the caked on burnt food, wasting valuable electricity, not to mention the 6-8 hours it takes to perform the self cleaning cycle and the heat it generates in the house.
Here is how we did it. We mixed the EATOILS BT200 at 6 ounces to a gallon of water and then thoroughly sprayed the inside of the oven and the oven racks. We then let it sit for 15 minutes and wiped the inside of the oven with PAPER TOWELS. There were two spots that the oven had some really baked on grease, to the point that it was crusty, and we simply sprayed a soft scour pad sponge with the BT200, lightly scrubbed the spots, and the stains came up easily.
The BT200 also cleaned all the splatters off the oven window and door. The oven looked brand new when we were done.
The EATOILS BT200 is the only cleaner you need for tough cleaning jobs like ovens, barb-b-cue pits and grills, pot's and pans, and other items that can get baked on grease and grime on them.
The best part is the price. A quart of BT200 diluted at 6 ounces to a gallon of water cost's the consumer less than .80 cents. Compare that to store bought cleaners that run $3.00-$4.00. Plus the BT200 is totally safe to use, contains zero harmful ingredients, and takes a lot less time.
For more information please visit us at or call us at 281.883.8470
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Among the many products we are discussing with BP, the responders and regulatory authorities is the amazing absorbent - MULTIZORB SELECT - OIL ONLY ABSORBENT. This product floats on water and will absorb the oil right off the surface of the water - just spread it on the water and the oil will absorb into the product and you can scoop or vacuum the product off the water and dispose of it in a landfill or incinerate it. This product was used successfully in the Exxon Valdez spill and in every major spill since that time. Most recently, last month it was successfully used to capture floating oils in a major spill in Australia.
MULTIZORB is a byproduct of volcanic eruption so it is based on a renewable resource and its impact on the environment is minimal. It is a cost effective alternative solution to other popular spill response absorbent products.
For more information please contact us at Clean and Green Solutions at 281.883.8470 or visit our web site at
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Cleaning a Trex Deck with BT200
Trex is the leading brand of alternative decking, railing, fencing, and trim products designed to maximize your outdoor living experience.
Trex composite products are made of a unique combination of wood and plastic fibers. Trex gets its plastic and wood fibers from reclaimed or recycled resources. Including sawdust and used pallets from woodworking operations, and recycled plastic grocery bags from all over the country.
According to the Trex Website, the are a variety of ways and harmful chemicals that are to be used when cleaning a Trex Deck. Deck Brightners, Bleach, and even cleaners containing dangerous acids are recommended by Trex to clean mold and mildew, grease, oil, food stains, and many others.
Well, we have great news for you. The EATOILS BT200 Certified GREEN degreaser is the ONLY product that you need.
Recently Pro Power Wash, a sister company of Clean and Green Solutions, of Porter, TX was called to the home of Mrs. Kathy Sexton, of Kingwood, TX. Mrs. Sexton had tried 4 other cleaning companies try to clean her TREX Deck and all produced unsatisfactory results. Basically, they could not get it clean, even using bleach.
Pro Power Wash used the EATOILS BT200 Green Degreaser at a rate of 6 ounces of BT200 to 1 gallon of water. (Total Used was 12 ounces and 2 gallons of water). Using a garden type pump up sprayer, the BT200 solution was sprayed on the deck in small areas at a time. The solution was then agitated into the deck lightly with the use of a street broom, just until a white lather formed. The BT200 was allowed to sit for approximately 15-20 minutes and then rinsed with a power washer lightly using no more than 1000 PSI at about 1-2 feet from the surface.
Mrs. Sexton was extremely satisfied and could not believe the results. She has also purchased a quart of the BT200. Because of how easy the BT200 is to use, not to mention that is totally safe, she will now be able to keep her TREX Deck clean herself year round.
(The dark spot in the after picutre is water that leaked form a garden hose as the workers put it away)
For more information please vist us at or call us at 281.883.8470
Friday, April 9, 2010
Over the years we have encountered a number of situations where mold & mildew have attacked surfaces and left a serious discoloration. As we do not like to use bleaches or other harsh chemicals in anything that we do we have found that EATOILS™ BT200™ is an ideal mold & mildew cleaner and preventer.
Just mix at approx. 4 oz per gallon of water and spray it on the surface to wet it down. Wait for about 30 minutes and agitate with a stiff brush (for softer materials use a softer brush) - you'll see the mold and mildew break down and release from the surface. Rinse and repeat. Older problems will take multiple applications. The mold & mildew will disappear and the residual product will help to prevent re-infestation.
We have tried this approach on all kinds of surfaces and the product will not harm the surface in any way as there are no harmful chemicals, solvents, or damaging materials whatsoever in the product. In fact, the product is ECOLOGO™ certified GREEN and safe for the environment.
If you can't get it clean with traditional cleaning products, give us a call - we may have the answer for you. Call us at 281.883.8470 or visit our website at
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Cleaning Up Auto Rustproofing Residue From Asphalt
This is what can happen when someone gets their car undercoated or rustproofed and the car sits for awhile in front of your home. This happened to me a short while ago and it certainly didn't look too appealing to walk down the street and see this mess at my front door - I'm certainly glad that my 'friend' didn't park in my driveway and do this to me on my property! I knew that EATOILS™ BT200™ would clean up the oily mess if it was on concrete, but I wasn't sure that it would work as well on asphalt. I knew that it would degrade hydrocarbon oils with its 'non-stop cleaning action' - a natural microbial action that deep cleans the worst stains on concrete, asphalt, and even soil - but I wasn't sure how well it would do on rustproofing fluid. I also knew that if I left it untreated the marks would be there as an embarassment for me for years to come. I was very concerned about the look of the area, so I took some of our EATOILS™ BT200™ and sprayed it (in a 5:1 mixture) on the asphalt to see if it would clean up for me. Once the area was wet with water and the product, I brushed it in with a street broom and let it dry. After the first application the stain was lighter, but the marks were all still there. Over the next few days I monitored the product's progress and I watched how the marks continued to fade. After about 10 days, I noticed that the stains had faded about 30% so I re-applied the product at 5:1 and brushed it in again. After another week it had faded approximately 70% so I re-applied it on day 20, brushed it in and waited for it to fade the rest of the way. By the end of the month it was virtually completely gone (see the second picture for the way it looked).
After seeing this work on rustproofing fluid we have introduced the product to professional rustproofing clients and they are now using the product in their operations for spill control and clean-up. If you know of anyone who is working with oil products who is dealing with spills this is the one product that they should be using for spill response and clean-up. EATOILS™ BT200™ is a certified green cleaning and bioremediating product that safely and effectively addresses the problems caused by hydrocarbon spills.
For further information please call us at 281.883.8470 or visit us at
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Clean and Green Solutions and EATOILS BT200 cleans up hydraulic fluid mess

Pro Power Wash and BT200 Cleans Drive Thru for Chick-Fil-A
Pro Power Wash, a sister company of Clean and Green Solutions recenty received a contract to keep the parking lot and drive thru area's clean for the Chick-Fil-A restaraunt located at West Lake Houston Parkway and FM 1960 in Humble, TX. Pro Power Wash uses the EATOILS BT200 Certified Green Degreaser to remove all oil stains, food and beverage stains, and tire marks. Using the BT200 full strentgh, Pro Power Wash applies water to the heavily stained areas, followed by BT200 full strength, scrubbed into the concrete until a white lather appears, and then allowed to sit for 60 minutes. The drive thru is then power washed using a concrete scrubber, (3500psi at 5.6 gpm) and the concrete is returned to like new condition. Matt Michaels, Chick-Fil-A operator says, "I have never seen our parking lot and drive thru area this clean. That BT200 is awesome, you have made me a believer"
For more information on our ECOLOGO CERTIFIED GREEN EATOILS BT200, as well as other EATOILS products, please contact us at 281.883.8470 or visit us at
Friday, February 12, 2010
MultiZorb Picks Up The Spill & Safely Absorbs The Contaminants
Due to the 'quick absorbing' nature of the product it is considered an instant absorbent, making it ideal for quick response in industrial and other accidental spills. "Usually, by the time you turn around to sweep it up it is fully absorbed", says Ron Porter, an emergency response & HAZMAT trainer who works with the product on a daily basis.
Multizorb™ is used whenever accidents occur. The product contains a special fire retardant material that prevents the fumes from flammable materials from igniting and causing additional problems for emergency response workers. Multizorb™ is used by emergency response personnel around the country as a safe and effective spill resonse absorbent.
Multizorb™ is a cost effective alternative to other absorbent products - 6 bags (120 lbs.) will quickly pick up the contents of a 45 imperial gallon (55 US gallon) drum compared to 30 - 40 bags of clay or 'kitty litter' type products (1500 lbs.). It passes the environmental TCLP test proving that once the fluid is absorbed into the Multizorb™ it won't leach out!
Once the liquid is picked up with Multizorb™, our EATOILS™ BT200™ can be used to clean up the residual stain on the surface (works well on concrete, asphalt and soil) to bring the site back to its original state. Both of these products provide cost effective yet environmentally friendly alternatives for clients who wish to be sensitive to environmental concerns while keeping an eye on the bottom line.
For more information vistit us at or call us at 281.883.8470